The Watersons "Mighty River of Song"2004 Topic Records TSCD545/6/7/8

CD 1:
01 Here We Come A-Wassailing
from Frost and Fire02 The Folksons: Blood Red Roses
Lal, Mike & Norma Waterson, John Harrison and Pete Ogley, vocals
fragment - previously unreleased live performance from 1964
03 Let the Bulgine Run
Lal, Mike & Norma Waterson and John Harrison, vocals; Mike, guitar
previously unreleased live performance from 1964
04 The Ploughboy
recorded live at the Royal Festival Hall, June 4, 1965; from Folksound of Britain (LP)05 Holbeck Moor Cock Fight
recorded live at the Royal Festival Hall, June 4, 1965; from Folksound of Britain (EP)
06 The Greenland Whale Fishery
from New Voices07 The Derby Ram
08 Hal-an-Tow
09 Mike Waterson: John Barleycorn
all three from Frost and Fire10 Lal & Norma Waterson: The Barley and the Rye
previously unreleased; intended for the unreleased Topic LP Folk Union One (1966)
11 The Thirty-Foot Trailer
12 I Am a Rover
both from The Watersons13 Rap Her to Bank
from the The Watersons recording sessions; later released on Early Days14 Three Score and Ten
from the soundtrack to the BBC documentary, Travelling for a Living15 The Jolly Waggoners
16 Twanky-Dillo
both from The Watersons
17 The Whitby Lad
18 The Morning Looks Charming
19 Willy Went to Westerdale
20 The White Cockade
21 Lal Waterson: Stow Brow
all five from A Yorkshire Garland
22 Lal & Mike Waterson: The Bird
demo recorded at home in Hull circa 1970; previously unreleased
23 Lal & Mike Waterson: Red Wine Promises
previously unreleased demo for Bright Phoebus, recorded in London, 197124 Lal & Mike Waterson: Song for Thirza
demo recorded at home in Hull circa 1970; previously unreleased
first CD in a four pieces box-set

CD 2:
01 Pace-Egging Song
02 Boston Harbour
03 Mike Waterson: Sweet William
all three recorded live at the Down River Folk Club, Loughton, on October 20, 1974 - previously unreleased04 Souling Song
from Various Artists: Voices in Harmony05 Lal & Norma Waterson: Barney
06 Mike Waterson: Three Day Millionaire
07 The Good Old Way
all three from For Pence and Spicy Ale
08 The Light Dragoon
recorded live at Folkfestival '76 Dranouter09 Lal & Norma Waterson: Jenny Storm
from A True-Hearted Girl10 Mike Waterson: Tamlyn
from Mike Waterson
11 Sound, Sound Your Instruments of Joy
12 Heavenly Aeroplane
13 Emmanuel
all three from Sound, Sound Your Instruments of Joy14 Mike Waterson: Swansea Town
from Mike Waterson15 Norma Waterson: The Unfortunate Lass
16 Lal Waterson: The Welcome Sailor
both from A True-Hearted Girl17 Lal & Norma Waterson: Young Billy Brown
recorded live at the Tithe Barn, Laycock, July 1977, during the Chippenham Folk Festival; previously unreleased18 The Khaki and the Blue (The Ploughboy)
recorded live at the Tithe Barn, Laycock, July 1977, during the Chippenham Folk Festival; previously unreleased19 The Whitby Lad
recorded live at the South Street Seaport, New York, July 5, 1978 - previously unreleased 20 Mike Waterson: The Black and Bitter Night
From Peter Bellamy's ballad opera The Transports2nd CD in a four pieces box-set

CD 3:
01 The Prickle Holly Bush
from Green Fields02 Peter Bellamy: When I Die
Peter Bellamy, vocals, Lal, Mike & Norma Waterson, Martin Carthy, Heather & Royston Wood, vocal harmonies,
from Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then03 I Went to Market
recorded live at the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, 1981; previously unreleased04 Martin Carthy & Mike Waterson: The Furze Field
from Green Fields05 The King's Song (Joy, Health, Love and Peace)
recorded live at the Iron Horse, Northampton, USA; previously unreleased06 Swarthfell Rocks
recorded live at the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, 1982; previously unreleased07 Lal & Norma Waterson: Meeting Is a Pleasure
08 Mike Waterson: Doing a Bit
both recorded live at the Knaresborough Folk Club, 1982; previously unreleased09 Young Banker
10 Chickens in the Garden
both from Sounds of Yorkshire11 Martin Carthy: A Stitch in Time
recorded live at the Udazkenean Festival, Donostia, Spain, 1986; previously unreleased12 Mike Waterson: All I Have Is My Own (The Brisk Lad)
recorded live at the Udazkenean Festival, Donostia, Spain, 1986; previously unreleased13 Brave General Wolfe
recorded live at the Folk Union One 25th Anniversary, Hull, 1986; reviously unreleased14 Norma Waterson & Martin Carthy: May Song
recorded at William Noble's Barn, Denby Dale, Yorkshire, September 27, 1986.
From the EFDSS sponsored cassette, The Holme Valley Tradition: Will's Barn
15 Harvest Home (Sheepshearing)
16 Gower Wassail
both Lal, Mike, Norma & Rachel Waterson and Martin Carthy, vocals;
recorded live at Wisconsin University, Madison, USA, for Simply Folk, Wisconsin Public Radio, 1988; previously unreleased17 Mike Waterson: Rumpsy Bumpsy Toralee (Tumble and Cut Me Bum)
recorded live at the Góilin, Dublin, Eire, March 14, 1988; previously unreleased18 The Waterdaughters: John Ball
Eliza Carthy, Lal, Maria & Norma Waterson, vocals;
from the A True-Hearted Girl CD19 The Waterdaughters: A Stor Mo Chroi
Lal & Norma Waterson, vocals;
recorded live at the Leicester Tradition Folk Club, 1988; previously unreleased20 Stormy Winds
Lal, Mike, Norma & Rachel Waterson and Martin Carthy, vocals;
recorded live at the Bracknell Folk Festival, July 1987; previously unreleased
21 Blue Murder: Mole in a Hole
Jim Boyes, Dave & Heather Brady, Lal, Mike, Norma & Rachel Waterson and Martin Carthy, vocals; Jim Boyes, banjo; Martin Carthy, guitar;
recorded live at the Bracknell Folk Festival, July 1987; previously unreleasedmainly unreleased material this volume

CD 4:
1. Hilda's Cabinet Band
from Richard Thompson et al: Hard Cash
2. Mike Waterson: The Rambling Irish Man
From Singing in the Seasons, December 1, 1990;
Recorded at McCabes, Santa Monica for Folkscene KPFK Los Angeles; previously unreleased
3. There Are No Lights on Our Christmas Tree
Martin Carthy, lead vocals; Mike & Norma Waterson and Jill Pidd, vocals;
from Singing in the Seasons, December 1, 1990;
Recorded at McCabes, Santa Monica for Folkscene KPFK Los Angeles; previously unreleased
4. Norma Waterson: Coal Not Dole
recorded live at the 1991 Augusta Folk Festival, Elkins, USA; previously unreleased
5. The White Cockade
Lal, Mike, Norma & Rachel Waterson and Martin Carthy, vocals;
recorded live at the Whitby Folk Week, August 1990;
from the cassette From the Humber to the Tweed6. Cob-a-Coaling
Ann, Mike & Norma Waterson, Eliza & Martin Carthy and Jill Pidd, vocals;
from Various Artists: Voices: English Traditional Songs
7. Waterson:Carthy: T Stands for Thomas
recorded live at the Beverley Folk Club, June 1992; previously unreleased
8. Blue Murder: I Bid You Goodnight
from Out on the Rolling Sea9. Mike Waterson: McIlroy the Emerald Cowboy
from No Masters10. Mike Waterson: Jack Frost
demo recorded in 1996; previously unreleased11. Waterson:Carthy: Pleasure and Pain
recorded live at the 1996 Cambridge Folk Festival; previously unreleased12. Waterson:Carthy: Stars in My Crown
alternate mix to the Common Tongue recording; this mix previously unreleased13. Waterson:Carthy: Flowers of Knaresborough Forest
recorded live at The Boatrace, Cambridge, 1997; previously unreleased14. Norma Waterson & Eliza Carthy: There Ain't No Sweet Man Worth the Salt of My Tears
recorded in London, 1998; previously unreleased15. Waterson:Carthy: Black Muddy River
recorded at The Fiddler's Bristol, November 27, 1998; previously unreleased
16. Lal Waterson & Maria Gilhooley: Just a Note
from A Bed of Roses17. Norma Waterson & Martin Carthy: Earth
from Les Barker: The Wings of Butterflies18. Eliza Carthy: Stumbling On
from Red19. Norma Waterson: Poor Boney
recorded live at Newcastle Live Theatre, April 2, 2001; previously unreleased
20. Blue Murder: Bright Phoebus
alternate recording to the one on Shining Bright; previously unreleased21. Maria Gilhooley & Oliver Knight: My Sweet Lullaby
from Mysterious Day