Friday, December 21, 2007

by danny #10

Ram's Bottom "The Young May Moon" 1981

01 The old ‘95/The young may moon
02 Trombone song/Mountain Rose (E. Bogetti)
03 The moon shines bright
04 Golden Valley two-step (K.Kendrick/I. Carter)/Ton o’Ewes/Ernie Dunn
05 The deadly wars/General Monk’s goosestep
06 Tip O’Derwent (Gerard Short)
07 ‘Ey up mi duck! (Ian Carter)
08 Brass nuts/Blue eyed stranger/Blue eyed stranger
09 Nowell, Nowell
10 Pappadum polka/March bluebird
11 A man that’s growing old (John Bloor/Ian Carter)
12 Charlie Sparrer’ marrer (Frank Sutton)

Keith Kendrick: vocals, Anglo and English concertinas
Barry Coupe: vocals, melodeons, percussion, bowed psaltery
Ron Cossor: cello, vocals
Trevor Hopkins: banjo, vocals
Ian Carter: vocals, baritone saxophone, piani, dulcimer, xylophone, plucked psaltery
Rick Scollins: vocals, percussion
John Adams: trombone, harmonium
Chris Pollington: triangle

1981 • Tradition TSR 038

A very good group from the dance craze, featuring some great singers as well



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi danny been after rams bottom for long time cant even find where i would purchase albums many thanks

15 August, 2009 00:51  

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