Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I have married and working hard everyday and no time to keep blogging.
But I can't ignore so many comments about dead links and requests for reuploading.
So I dicide to restart a blog little by little...

Now, please request for reups and other hard to find titles here.
But only OUT OF PRINT titles please.
I will try...


Anonymous Donna said...

Hi, welcome back. I really appreciate some of the stuff you posted. I don't have any requests yet as I don't know what I'm missing. I'll let you know if I come across anything. regards, Donna

27 May, 2015 18:07  
Blogger graaf24 said...

A good decision. Thank You.

27 May, 2015 20:21  
Blogger pilpilon said...

Nice to hear from you again!

27 May, 2015 23:42  
Anonymous KAZZ said...

Good to you back here.

28 May, 2015 01:18  
Blogger Chocoreve said...

Glad to see you back. Congrats to you and your lady !

29 May, 2015 03:19  
Blogger gregcondon said...

Bob Gibson, please!

29 May, 2015 10:42  
Blogger Lizardson said...

I posted two Bob Gibson's albums before.
But both are not OUT OF PRINT.
Sorry, I can't repost them.

29 May, 2015 12:51  
Blogger Paul the Stockman said...

Welcome Back Lizardson! Great to see you re-upping lost links. Too many music blogs have closed down over the last few years so you have been badly missed. And congratulations on becoming a married man.

29 May, 2015 14:53  
Blogger Lizardson said...

Happy to see my old friends again.
And thank you so much for those kind words.

29 May, 2015 16:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back and congrats on your marriage, hope you enjoy many long years. Delighted to see some reups, will keep an eye open to see what's back!

31 May, 2015 06:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elton John ''Nick Drake Session & DJM Demos'' 1968

I just found this incredible site of yours. I love Nick Drake. I don't know if this is available commercially, but sadly rapidshare closed down this year so the zip is gone.

Thank you for your time and this site.

02 June, 2015 20:20  
Blogger Unknown said...

Carnet de Bal by Frederic Paris please? Love the blog!!!

17 June, 2015 06:01  
Blogger binkerbo said...

Just heard you were back up! Congrats on the nuptials.

20 June, 2015 05:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys you are so lovely :)

I'm trying to find some DAVE EVANS albums on the net and I find some old links that are now unvailable. I'd like to give a present to my ather for his birthday and I'd like to give him 3 Evans' albums

Elephantasia (1972)

Take a Bite Out of Life (1976)

Sad Pig Dance (1974)

can you reup them, please?? You'll make me happy :) thank you anyway and thank you for all

28 June, 2015 03:41  
Anonymous Jo Low said...

Congratulations on your marriage, Lizardson!!

I too would like the reup of "Take a Bite Out of Life" by Dave Evans !! woooww

Have a great sunday!!

28 June, 2015 19:22  
Blogger Lizardson said...

To Jo Low and anonymous:
Sorry but those Dave Evans titles are still available at record store(at least on the web). So I can't repost them.

Elephantasia (1972):Reissue LP released in 2011-2012?
Take a Bite Out of Life (1976):CD & Digital release
Sad Pig Dance (1974):CD & Digital release

29 June, 2015 09:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:( Thanks anyway, Lizardson ;) :)

30 June, 2015 06:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So very glad to see you back : ) I have learned so much from your past posts Thank you. Best wishes for the future : )


08 July, 2015 08:04  
Blogger Dea Noa said...

Hello, Lizardson.

Is there maybe a possibility
that you just re-upload: Titus Luxor ?

15 September, 2015 14:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I 2nd the vote for Dave Evans "Sad Pig Dance"

08 October, 2015 03:32  
Blogger david said...

congrats to you and the lady ! hope life is good. any chance of a reup on the live Moving Hearts ? would much appreciate it.
thanks and much happiness with the marriage.

09 October, 2015 07:36  
Blogger NETR said...

Congrats on the marriage! All the best, glad you're getting back at the blogging, hope it feels fun to get back into it.

Would you consider reuploading Paddy on the Road by Christy Moore?

10 October, 2015 04:38  
Blogger ML said...

Can you re-up the 2 LPs "Vielles À Roue Et Cornemuses En Europe" – label Alpha 5016F 17F - 1974 ?
Thanks !

23 October, 2015 04:06  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello and congratulations on your marriage!
If possible could you please re-up 'He Came From The Mountains' and 'And Now It Is So Early' by Bob & Carole Pegg? Me and my Father are both huge B&C Pegg fans and have been trying to track down these albums for ages!

Cheers, C

06 November, 2015 06:22  
Blogger donjenaro said...

The Tale of Ale - The Story of the Englishman and His Beer - plse help with this release !!! Thanks !!!

09 November, 2015 08:05  
Anonymous Marwan said...

If you had the time and opportunity to reup the (long OOP) french LP "Prehistoire du folk", you would make my day !
And anyway, thank you for what you have done in the past.


23 November, 2015 22:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for everything you have shared in the past.

Can you re-up Liberty Hall by Oyster Band?

01 December, 2015 10:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have access to Kindred Spirits- For Your Comfort? Thanks.

02 December, 2015 09:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wandering if you have access to a superb folk album from 1985, been looking for this for a while and long out of print :-

The Birds of Rhiannon
By Rhiannon
Fellside Recordings FE046 (LP, UK, 1985)

08 December, 2015 22:43  
Blogger Unknown said...

Any chance to reup the missing Nic Jones albums? Thx.

16 December, 2015 01:22  
Blogger katetoscopio said...

Hi. Congratulations for your decision.

I'm the last one keeping "our" blog (lasgalletasdemaria), and I know that it's not easy (but when we love music...). So, I want to get "Willie And The Lapdog", by Gallagher And Lyle for 1PocodMusica (where all the lasgalletas people met). We only have it in 192 Kbps and I'm trying to get it better.

Thanks in any way

28 December, 2015 06:36  
Blogger laurenc said...

Nice to see you back !

I would like the festival de St Laurent 1974 in re-up please.

11 January, 2016 23:52  
Blogger Odie said...


I just recently found this blog. I love the idea of reviving old, half-forgotten music, so I much appreciate the work you´ve done and I hope you will succeed with the reups!

I would much appreciate that you would reupload the recordings of Hamish Imlach. I´ve been a fan of his for quite some time and just recently bought his biography Cod Liver Oil - it just reveals so much about the great, great man... so I amn desperately looking for any of his recordings (apart from The Transaltantic Anthology, which I thankfully have in possession).


Odie, Czech Republic

20 April, 2016 07:15  
Blogger Jeff said...

Hi there! Not sure if you're still doing this, but could you re-upload La veillée des veillées? Here's your blog post on it for reference:

I'm currently researching Quebecois folk music as part of what will eventually become my PhD dissertation and I'm having trouble finding this album digitally.

03 May, 2016 07:02  
Blogger N.Shatz said...

please re-up thanx !!!

02 June, 2016 07:30  
Blogger Max Marchini said...

Please reload the marvelous out of print Whippersnapper Albums, just to celebrate the loving memory of sward!

17 July, 2016 21:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love it if you could help me get hold of the derek and DOrothy Elliott LPs !


23 August, 2016 16:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there. Thanks for all your efforts. Please could you re-up anything by Tony Rose? Well, not Under The Greenwood Tree, which is definitely available commercially, and probably not The Exe, which might be. But how about Poor Fellows, and ideally Young Hunting if you have it. That would be great. Thanks! Ed

10 September, 2016 21:35  
Blogger Unknown said...

So very glad to see you back, Lizardson! And many congratulations on your marriage!

17 September, 2016 05:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. Any chance of a re-up for some of the out-of-print Shetland Fiddle records? Like the 'The Hamefarers' - 'A Breath O' Shetland' and the 'Shetland Fiddlers' Leader record (LED 2052)? Cheers, J

21 October, 2016 22:11  
Blogger Percy said...


Lost a lot of my mp3 collection & was hoping you could reupload an recordings of the band "Planxty" that you have. I can't find these recordings anywhere else! I'd be ever so greatful if you could. P.S. if you have any other Andy Irvine related recordings this would also be fantastic!!! :-)

Thank you!
Never Tire...

22 November, 2016 23:38  
Blogger Percy said...


Lost a lot of my mp3 collection & was hoping you could reupload any recordings of the band "Planxty" that you have. I can't find these recordings anywhere else! I'd be ever so greatful if you could. P.S. if you have any other Andy Irvine related recordings this would also be fantastic!!! :-)

Thank you!
Never Tire...

22 November, 2016 23:39  
Blogger Odie said...

Andy Irvine: I hope I won´t cross some line here, but try search the hosting site, as it has plenty of recordings from Planxty... Cheers

23 November, 2016 04:48  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'd really love a reup of the Sileas File Under Christmas. It was a childhood favorite and this is the only place I've ever seen it online.

29 November, 2016 14:29  
Blogger Unknown said...

I would love to see the "Sunny California"-Album by Mary McCaslin re-uploaded, since I only have it on vinyl and can't find it digital. Thank you so much in advance :)

06 August, 2017 01:30  
Anonymous freezetrees said...

Please re-upload the 4CD Trees Community Box Set. It's nowhere else on the internet but here. Thanks in advance

30 October, 2017 11:33  
Blogger Banjofiddling said...

Hi, I would very much like to hear the Bothy Band first ever concert (unissued) from this post:


04 December, 2018 08:17  
Blogger Rochacrimson said...

Please a new link on Dave Ellis - BBC 1973!
Thank you Lizardson!!!

12 December, 2019 08:30  
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26 March, 2022 22:00  
Blogger Leonidas said...


Is it possible to re up this (out print ) album Jean Ribouillault - De l’arbre à l’oreille – 1981 - Arion ARN 33644

Many Many thanks in advance!!

13 June, 2022 23:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is any chance you could re-up Hamish Imlach - The Hamish Imlach Sampler, I would greatly appreciate it.
I've been trying to get a digital version of this for many many years.

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