Friday, December 18, 2009

John Wright

John Wright – Unaccompanied – 1978

01 Awake, awake, you drowsy sleeper
02 Four-hand reel
03 Murphy's hornpipe
04 Gypsy hornpipe
05 Henry Martin
06 Bridget cruise 2 & 3
07 Tailor by my trade
08 Dornoch links/The shepherd's crook/Lochiel's awa' to France
09 Young Charlotte
10 The varsoviana
11 La valse Vienne
12 La scottisch anglaise
13 L'angoise
14 Our captain cried all hands
15 Ninepins
16 Saturday night and sunday morning
17 The punk's delight

John Wright : chant, guimbarde, violon, harmonica

lien supprimé :-((

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