Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Bully Wee Band

Silvermines (1978)

Jim Yardley: vocals, mandolin, guitar, whistle, bouzouki
John Yardley: vocals, guitar
Fergus Feely: bouzouki, cello, mandolin, vocals
Ian Cutler: violin, viola, keyboards, harmonium, vocals

01. The Kielder Hunt
02. Strike the Gay Harp-The Blarney Pilgrim
03. The Hills of Ardmorn
04. Leitrim Town-The Master Crowley-Kitty's Wedding
05. Open the Door
06. The Silvermines-Lady Anne Montgomery
07. The Road to Dundee
08. Arrival-Donnybrook Fair
09. Leaboy's Lassie

pass: highqualitymp3

The Bully Wee Band made two more albums, "The Madmen Of Gotham" (1981), and "50 Channels-Live" (2006), you can buy them at Ian Cutler's website:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have this album on vinyl and played it last night for first time in ages, then looked here today and here it is. it is a great album. ardmorn is one of the most lovely pieces of music you will ever hear. worth downloading just for that.

04 August, 2009 05:16  

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