Perlinpinpin Folc ::: II
Musique traditionelle de Gascogne II

Alain Cadeillan: voix, cornemuse, hautbois, percussion
Patrick Cadeillan: voix, accordéon diatonique, percussion,
Jean-Pierre Cazade: voix, basse, mandoloncelle, bambulek
Christian Lanau: voix, violon, Percussion
Jean Luc Madier: mandole, violoncelle, percussion
01 Gargantua
02 Suite de rondeaux
03 Adishatz dauna
04 La batalha d'Achos
05 Rondes chantèes
06 La Marion
07 Suite gasconne
08 La Civaseta
09 Suite des rondeaux des Landes
1978 • Junqué OC 33139
password: highqualitymp3

Alain Cadeillan: voix, cornemuse, hautbois, percussion
Patrick Cadeillan: voix, accordéon diatonique, percussion,
Jean-Pierre Cazade: voix, basse, mandoloncelle, bambulek
Christian Lanau: voix, violon, Percussion
Jean Luc Madier: mandole, violoncelle, percussion
01 Gargantua
02 Suite de rondeaux
03 Adishatz dauna
04 La batalha d'Achos
05 Rondes chantèes
06 La Marion
07 Suite gasconne
08 La Civaseta
09 Suite des rondeaux des Landes
1978 • Junqué OC 33139
password: highqualitymp3
Again thank you for a rare and good album. One thing tho, can you please stop adding the coverart into a PDF-file, i and i'm sure many others don't know how to extract them. Yes i know it is possible to do with Photoshop i think but i don't have or use that program. So preferably add the coverart as plain Jpg's from here on please.
why do you need to extract cover from a pdf file? i think pdf it's the best way to look at this covers.
I can't believe you are converting mp3 to wav and masterizing it on cd.
That's exactly what i do so why do you bother if i want to have a set of scans for a nice audiocdr in my collection or not. So jpg's are much appreciated.
pour convertir un pdf en jpg j'utilise GraphicConverter
Merci, i will try it 8)
Strange, you give me a tip of GraphicConverter saying it will handle pdf's, it doesn't :-(
just tested this one
it works well
convert pdf to image
you can set quality and dpi in option tab
Thank you very much
I hate to complain when you post such wonderful things, but I can't seem to open this rpdshite file...I tried using the supplied password, but no dice! any idea how to help me?
Salut, et merci, mais je n'arrive pas a ouvrir le zip file. Mon ordi semble penser que la structure de l'archive et endommagé.
I checked it and it opened well
Are you using a Mac?
try another de-compressing tool, if you can
checked again and everything works well
J'ai réessayé avec un autre expander et plus de problème. Merci pour la suggestion.
J'ai l'impression que la couverture de album "Nuit" de la Fabrique est un hommage...Elle ressemble vachement a celle-ci.
Quelqu'un sait il ou trouver ces albums pour les telecharger ?
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