Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Muckram Wakes

A Map Of Derbyshire (Trailer LER 2085) 1973

The first album from Muckram Wakes featuring John Tams, Roger Watson and Helen Watson.

Side One:
1. Spencer The Rover/Winster Processional
2. The Cruise Of The Sun Glory
3. Cathy Shore
4. Poor Old Horse
5. Watercress-O
6. Mrs Merry's Ball/Winster Gallop

Side Two:
1. Cow I' Th' Gate
2. The Squire Of Tamworth
3. Fifty Years Ago
4. Gilliver
5. The Bone Lace Weaver
6. Dumper And Pulling-Down Song


Password = reynardine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, I've been after this for years... Thanks, and welcome back to the rippers fold :-))

11 February, 2009 21:04  
Blogger reynardine said...

Sorry it took a long time to do this one - I've been cut off from my record collection by the snow. Now I'll be away for a couple of weeks ice breaking on the Grand Union Canal. Hopefully some more rarities when I get back.

11 February, 2009 21:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, appreciated.

12 February, 2009 00:21  
Blogger Paul the Stockman said...

Very nice album. Many thanks

12 February, 2009 12:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really liked the Poor Old Horse tune. Thanks!

13 February, 2009 14:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for this ever since you wafted in front of me at christmas! How delightful to hear a first-rate rip of this long-lost gem. It's crazy that this kind of stuff is unavailable, no-one seems to be making music like this any more, more's the pity, so many recent releases just seem slick and - dare I say it - overproduced.
Good effort!

14 February, 2009 19:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should have been "wafted IT", sounds a bit peculiar otherwise. Have fun on the barge!

14 February, 2009 21:18  

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