Sunday, December 21, 2008

by reynardine

Last (but by no means least) for the time being.

Tony Rose - Poor Fellows (1982)

The late Tony Rose with his 1982 album Us Poor Fellows. Some excellent songs featured - from the likes of Peter Bellamy, Richard Thompson and Bob Dylan. Mark Emerson plays the fiddle on several tracks.


password = reynardine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, you have been so busy, I can hardly handle the downloads for all the superb, mostly unheard of albums.

Thanks a bundle...

Now go have a good Holiday with your family...


22 December, 2008 03:52  
Blogger reynardine said...

Just repaying the favour - This site and your site kept me busy for a fortnight filling some of the gaps in my collection.

I've been ripping and cleaning vinyl albums for about five years now, these are just a few alreadt done that I can't find currently available anywhere (easily).

If you have any requests let me know. The Copper Family will appear in the new year with a new rip on my new set-up. In the meantime here is a seasonal (unreconstructed) offering:

22 December, 2008 09:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this and your many other postings. So much fine music that I never would have had the opportunity to hear otherwise.

22 December, 2008 22:49  
Blogger cje said...

of all the discoveries I've made here, this album is my favourite-the song Us Poor Fellows is both performed beautifully and very apposite for our new hard times

17 January, 2009 06:57  

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