Saturday, November 15, 2008


Captured Live (1972)

DL 1
DL 2


Blogger Unknown said...

I was never a Pentangle fan in their heyday: Led Zeppelin freaks in ex-RAF greatcoats didn't listen to that stuff. But you learn over time, and I've become a bit obsessive about them in recent years. I'm really looking forward to this. Thanks very much!

16 November, 2008 02:39  
Blogger aldo said...

I've seen most if not all of what's here on youtube...i'm just looking at the screen shots and NEAR THE END in certain frames you can tell that IS NOT PENTANGLE!

17 November, 2008 22:24  
Blogger Vadim said...

What a strange movie: you see Pentangle, you hear Pentangle, but the sound has no connection with the pictures.

19 November, 2008 22:14  
Blogger aldo said...

hi vadim,
have you had a look on youtube, cause there were several clips from this concert and many more from an earlier bbc special circa 1969 which is brilliant!
i haven't watched this but as i said in my previous comment i even doubt you see pentangle til the end judging by the frames...

20 November, 2008 05:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Lizard. I've having problems to extract part -I- because it ask me for a password, very rare, i know. Maybe is my program. Can you give it an eye?? Please


20 November, 2008 22:29  

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