Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Alex Campbell

Best Loved Songs Of Bonnie Scotland (1963)

Fidelity FID 2169 LP

00 - Introductions
01 - The Nut Brown Maiden
02 - Wi' a Hundred Pipers
03 - The Skye Boat Song
04 - The Bluebells of Scotland
05 - Ye Banks and Braes
06 - Johnny Cope
07 - Come O'er the Stream, Charlie
08 - Will Ye No Come Back Again
09 - The Dundee Weaver
10 - Twa Heids Are Better Than Yin
11 - The Piper O' Dundee
12 - The Land O' the Leal
13 - Gin I Were Where the Gaudie Rins
14 - The Wark O' the Weavers
15 - Leezie Lindsay
16 - The Wee Cooper O' Fife
Quality: 192 kbps

pass: highqualitymp3


Blogger inthealley said...

Thank you SO much for this - I had it years ago, bought in Woolworths very cheaply, together with 'Way Out West' ........ both are great, but sadly knicked long ago!!

26 November, 2008 06:54  
Blogger inthealley said...

Thanks so much for this ....... I had it, together with "Way Out West" - got them cheaply from Woolworths and they both have wonderful singing by Alex, with all the force of the pints of heavy and the Scotch behind them ... sadly knicked long ago .....

26 November, 2008 06:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More theft.

Why don't you just enter musicians' homes and nick their money, Lizardson?

27 November, 2008 02:57  
Blogger Lizardson said...

No more,

this is out of print.
please go to used record shop if you want to buy this one.
shops owner will get the money, not Campbell family...

27 November, 2008 05:08  
Blogger inthealley said...

I wanted to come back on Anonymous' insulting comment. As I write above, I had this many years ago, and I have tried over many years to buy it again, in ANY form, and at whatever price ..... it has never proved possible to find it, and, believe me I have looked. Which just goes to show how valuable this blog is, because just maybe some record company will get the message and reissue, and then the estate of Alex will benefit .... I think you are owed an apology, Lizardson

27 November, 2008 19:19  
Anonymous India Sports said...

I had this many years ago, and I have tried over many years to buy it again, in ANY form, and at whatever price ..... it has never proved possible to find it, and, believe me I have looked.

11 October, 2011 21:51  

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