Friday, October 31, 2008

by Gonzo

Gonzo said...
A country dance band with a difference, their name being the difference..

Dr. Bowser's Brown Bowel Oil Band
"A Good Run For Your Money" (1981)

what they lack in musical skill and timing, they more than make up for with their lift, jollity and the incredible name.
One of two albums owned by a folk musician friend of mine, for whom I an cleaning these 1980'ish LP's..
Number 1. A Good Run For Your Money.

Password: boweloil

Enjoy, and may all your movements be jolly.

This package contains Scans, and a complete set of music scores, plus dance instructions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something completely different indeed..., and no wombats involved, I might add. Thanks a lot for this one! It sort of 'compleats the dancing master'. Besides, I love coming across things I have never heard of.

31 October, 2008 20:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent stuff


01 November, 2008 02:40  
Anonymous Gonzo said...

I've posted this again on my blog
Someone commented the link was dead, it is now refreshed

08 December, 2009 22:02  

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