Wednesday, September 17, 2008

by Oisín

Here are two rare French albums:

Sourdeline - "Jeanne d'Aymé" (1978)
@ 192 CBR

01 Voici la saint jean et la saint pierre
02 Complainte
03 Hé là , ou va tu donc ?
04 Si j'avais un galant
05 Ils sont bien pelés
06 Saint Nicolas
07 Trois danses
08 Au roc d'anglars
09 La fontaine
10 La belle abandonnée
11 Ronde dermai
12 Jeanne d'ayme
(Discovale 77 FR)

And here's the restored album to which arbor pointed us.
This link was posted earlier in the comments to arbor's post, but I guess many readers may have missed that...

Grattons-Labeur - "Le bal des sorciers" (1977)
@ 256 CBR

Side A
1. L' aguillaneu
2. La blanche biche
3. Down the hill
4. Chant de la noisille
5. Le bal des sorciers
Side B
1. Les trois gens d' armes
2. Compleinte des tisseuses de soie
3. Cri de berger
4. Lisalette, la montagne d' ete
5. Newlin' town
6. Peut-on leur echapper?
(ABA 77 FR)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! HUGE fan of the first Sourdeline LP. Searched for ages for the second. All the French Folk is much appreciated!

19 September, 2008 00:14  

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