Thursday, August 14, 2008

In memory of our friend, Dirk

from Lizardson & friends...


Blogger MadPriest said...

Lizardson, you're a brick
God bless you, my friend

14 August, 2008 19:08  
Blogger space88 said...

I think we dont forget him.For me i am shure.

14 August, 2008 20:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In memory of Dirk!


14 August, 2008 22:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first discovered the wonderful world of BLOGS Dirk had just passed away, I never knew him but it was clear that he was loved and came across as a sweet, genuine and lovely guy.

Now down the line I find myself fighting the same fight, just finished my chemo an am hoping for surgery soon. The support I found from my friends and loved ones has been great and helped me in the fight. my "cyber" friends have played no small part in this fight. so know how much all your support meant to Dirk.

Mr. TT

15 August, 2008 19:56  
Blogger Associazione ImperiaParla! said...

Great post Lizardson!
I always remember Dirk and still now it seems it's impossible he is not with all us. Hope he is in heaven listening good and solid rock.
Greetings from Italy.

17 August, 2008 03:33  
Blogger Art Rock said...

Excellent reminder Lizardson. It seems like yesterday that he passed away.

And good luck to you Mr. TT!

18 August, 2008 05:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Mr. TT, god bless.

19 August, 2008 08:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful, like a single life...
Like Dirk's life...i used to visit his site and well, i couldn't believe he's got sick and after he's dead

Well, we know he is upstairs with all the music around...

27 August, 2008 13:54  

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