Wednesday, August 06, 2008

by GeoX #9

Bok, Mui & Trickett "All Shall Be Well Again" ‏ 1983

Not an all-time classic, and Jennifer Gentle is surely one of theworld's most irritating songs, but it DOES have a "Farewell to theGold" that I prefer to Nic Jones', and their version of SydneyCarter's "Julian of Norwich" (from whence the album's title) is simplyone of the most sublime things ever recorded.

(yes, I know the track numbering is slightly screwy--I can confirmthat it is in fact the complete album, however)

Incidentally, if anyone has any of Ed Trickett's solo albums, I'd loveto hear them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

" I can confirm the track numbering is a little screwy"

Must be a "MAC" thing, along with the fear of REAL spaces :-))

Thanks for another nice album.. What IS wrong with "Jennifer Gentle" ? If Cyril Tawney can do a version of it, its got to be OK!!

(Tongue firmly in cheek)


07 August, 2008 06:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little Internet research indicates that the track listing should be as follows:-
1. Julian of Norwich
2. My Images Come
3. Farewell to the Gold
4. Matinicus
5. Rory Dall
6. Boat of Silver
7. Living on the River
8. Archie/Namagati/Odivair
9. Jennifer Gentle
10. Sailor's Prayer
11. St. Thomas
12. Fear a Bhata

07 August, 2008 18:51  
Blogger GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Well, perhaps it's perhaps not quite as annoying as all that. But first, there's the fact that I ALWAYS hear "genital" for "gentle." Okay, so that says more about my mindset than the song itself. But it's still pretty ridiculous: when the dude starts telling riddles, you think they're going to be all super-profound and stuff, but then they're not: the answers all turn out to be completely banal, and you can't help but think: this doesn't seem like the basis for a successful marriage. But they sing it so seriously. OH WELL.

As for the fubar'd track numbering, I think it's because when I was phasing out the First Fifteen Years discs in favor of the actual albums, I sometimes kept the FFY versions which obviously are numbered differently.

08 August, 2008 03:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fake 'oirish' accents, 3rd school grade penny whistle effects and a dirge version of 'Farewell to The Gold'.

4/10 and straight into the bin for me.

09 August, 2008 12:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually further to the above comment; the instrumentals are quite nice so I may keep those, but that'a all :)

09 August, 2008 12:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Together with folk singers Joe Hickerson, Sara Gray, Michael Cooney and Sandy and Caroline Paton, Trickett and Bok have recorded four albums as the Golden Ring." AMG

Do you have something from THE GOLDEN RING ?

15 August, 2008 00:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know if anyone will see this message but I have been looking for All Shall Be Well Again by Bok Murr T for ages. I couldn't afford to buy it as I am unemployed right now. It was my mother favorite tape, we used to listen to it in the car on trips. She passed away last december and it would be a major source of comfort if someone could upload it and send me the link, I'd be so grateful.


Thanks so much for reading!

07 November, 2010 18:07  

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