Saturday, August 30, 2008

by Brian Andrew Marek #21

Brian Andrew Marek - THEN!
A Collection of Low Fidelity Recordings 1988-2005

Over the years, I've recorded literally hundreds of songs under humble circumstances, often collecting them on homemade cassettes with titles like "Accept No Imitations", "Footnotes to the Footnotes" and "Fight for Your Right to Be Pouty" to give out to friends. Here are 22 of my favorites.

I have intentionally eschewed (a) cover songs, due to the requirements of the blog, (b) songs that I have rerecorded and released with a band, and (c) recordings by actual bands (although there are a few guest appearances). Much of the weirder, more experimental stuff was ignored in favor of actual songs, but two of the best instrumental improvisations ("Reginald at the Beach" and "Waterfalls") made the grade.

Enjoy, and if you like what you hear, there's more where it came from!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! This is some of the very best recording I've heard in a long time. LoFi rules the day, my man. I cannot thank you enough. I'll be sending people over here to get this. It's beautiful and shows a great deal of craftsman-like work combind with real talent. An unbeatable combination!

30 August, 2008 02:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just had 2nd listen. Starting 3rd. I can't use this as background music because the words suck me in and I cannot get any work done. But who cares? I work for myself! This is a day off because of you. It is always nice to celebrate an artist one just discovered. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!

30 August, 2008 05:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intriguing =D

31 August, 2008 08:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please repost

04 September, 2008 06:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why repost? This link still works. Or is Megaupload blocked for you?

04 September, 2008 10:02  
Blogger Dharma Bummer said...

I've heard from a number of people who said they don't have RAR, couldn't run it on their computer, et cetera, so I've changed all my upload links to ZIP archives for everybody's convenience. Enjoy!

Brian Andrew Marek - THEN!
A Collection of Low Fidelity Recordings (1988-2005)

09 November, 2009 23:57  

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