Sunday, July 06, 2008

by Paul #15

Gordon Bok, Ann Mayo Muir & Ed Trickett
"The First Fifteen Years" 1992
2CD Set @ 192kbs MP3

Last year GeoX started to post a series of Gordon Bok albums and promised more. Unfortunately, they stopped after the sixth so I will start posting some of the missing ones which I have managed to collect over the years. Here is their 1992 two-CD compilation as this will give readers a good idea as to whether they want more of the same.

This trio put out several albums most of which had a highly eclectic mix of folk material including modern and traditional folk music from many countries and some really beautiful "salt-water" songs based in the north-east of the USA. These three are each excellent singers in their own right but, in combination, they are awesome. Credit for this particular rip belongs to one "Axabum" so many thanks Axa!


Blogger GeoX, one of the GeoX boys. said...

Er...ha ha. Sorry about that. The problem was that I got the strong impression that people were uninterested in the stuff I was submitting because of the bit rate. I could send in some more if there's demand.

08 July, 2008 15:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd never heard of Bok, Muir and Trickett and so didn't expect much. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find this to be some of the best folk music I'd ever heard. Thanks so much for introducing me to it.

09 July, 2008 23:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Anonymous,
There is a lot of good folk music which never receives sufficient attention and we all need to share. I'm very glad that not only have you found new music but also that you took the effort to express your thanks. This sort of thing makes our efforts well worthwhile. Many thanks.
Geox, the only indication of unhappiness that I saw was that someone asked if you could use an MP3 format rather than AAC or whatever that Apple iPOD format is, rather than being a bitrate issue. I'm sure that many here would like you to continue to contribute even if you persist with a non-mp3 format.

10 July, 2008 22:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shareonall is closed. Could someone post a new link. Thanks. Love Bok, Muir & Trickett. John

30 October, 2008 04:03  

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