Sunday, July 27, 2008

by Brian Andrew Marek #19

Arc "Arc...At This" 1971

I've listened to my old copy of this album so many times that I'd almost gotten used to "Hello Hello Monday" abruptly cutting off at 5:52. As I'd seen complaints about the same before on the internet, I can only assume that pretty much all the versions floating around come from the same incomplete source. But, lo and behold, I recently ran across a copy of the track which was complete, albeit encoded at a lower bitrate, so I took the missing bits from that and grafted them onto the end of my existing version. Consequently, there will be a slight reduction in sound quality for the last minute or so of "Hello Hello Monday", but I'm proud to say that the edit itself is sonically invisible. So until somebody pops up with a pristine, complete vinyl rip or some enterprising label reissues this on CD (I'm assuming nobody has), this is probably as good as it gets. Enjoy!


Blogger Keith Parry said...

Damned if I can detect the join - a job brilliantly done.
Thanks very much

27 July, 2008 07:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


07 August, 2008 19:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a remastred reissue on Esoteric Recordings out now!

Peter from the land of the Nordic light

07 November, 2009 00:22  

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