Sunday, May 25, 2008

Andy Pratt

Andy Pratt said...
I don't know if I emailed you before or not. Thank you for the very kind review of my Andy Pratt Andy Pratt 1973 record on your blog. That record is available on cd at and the site below. Perhaps you would also be interested in other things I've done. Here are a couple of web sites. I attach a song from my most recent album, and still unreleased album, The Snake Charmer. Enjoy

Andy Pratt


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice guy.

26 May, 2008 22:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it may have been a very gentle hint to take the link down...

28 May, 2008 22:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, yes, you might be right. Not my call, I'm afraid.

29 May, 2008 20:43  

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