Monday, March 24, 2008

Jancis Harvey

Jancis Harvey said...

Doing a bit of surfing on a cold Easter Sunday evening and found your website and references to me as one of the best and most obscure.

well, here I am and delighted that my music is still going very much around. Great. regards from a not so obscure, slightly ageing, and still very musical.

Jancis Harvey


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your music is not forgotten Jancis!

24 March, 2008 13:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jancis,
Nice find you here, time ago
(almost two years) i buyed from yourself two of your delicate
records, and today is a great joy
read a note write by your hand on the great lizardson blog (God bless Him).

Nino Apa


24 March, 2008 16:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jancis
I bought a few years ago 5 of yours albums on the M2U label;magnificient artwork with the hight quality LP-Style mini sleeve.I admit I don't know you when I bought your albums,I was buying DULCIMER album on the phone and the seller tell me "I have something very good for you";I first bought 2 cds and after 3 others.I haven't listen your albums since the time and will do today.
Very nice to see a great artist put a comment on this great blogg.And sorry for totally unknow artists crying after the blogg present albums nobody knows,its perhaps the better thing that could happen to them.

24 March, 2008 20:49  
Blogger Kees said...

I love Jancis' music, though it was a tough (and expensive) job to find her albums.
I never understood why she still is so obcure in the folk music area.
Distance of Doors is a fantastic album, idem the song Song of Suffolk an all time favourite.

24 March, 2008 22:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jancis,
thanks for all the great stuf over the years!!!

Please reup the Vertigo album of BEN.

Thanks, PietZelluf NL

24 March, 2008 23:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And sorry for totally unknow artists crying after the blogg present albums nobody knows"

jeanbernardfrance, just because you do not know an artist or their albums does not make them 'totally unknown.' I am sick to death of seeing musicians belittled by ignorant people.

25 March, 2008 00:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello manila
If you have a new album out please put it on the blogg (free publicity for you)."ignorant people" can listen to it and perhaps appreciate your "talent"?.

25 March, 2008 15:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(nice one from jancis !)
greetz, peter/belgium

25 March, 2008 15:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would someone post Heron - 1972 - Twice as Nice & Half the Price ?
I am very interested after the first album...Greets...

25 March, 2008 22:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeanbernard, you make as much sense in your second post as you did in your first. I am simply saying that if an Englishman has not heard of, for example, Malicorne, that does not make them 'totally unknown.' Or maybe you haven't heard of them either?

And if you are so anxious for people to post, why not contribute something yourself?

25 March, 2008 23:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.Manila finally I rest on my position on the last phrase of my first comment.Where is the problem if an artist ask to cancel a post of his album on the blogg?.Malicorne is perhaps more popular in England than in France.You seem show a great interest in France so you must know wednesday our President is recieve by Queen Elisabeth.Do you know the First Lady of France is also a Rock Star.

26 March, 2008 07:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief, Manila, give the fellow a break. His English isn't too good. You may have misinterpreted what he was trying to say.

Perhaps you have a few gaps in your knowledge too, as do we all.

Friends, we are all here united by our love of music. Why do some of you berate other people? Let's all show some ordinary courtesy.

27 March, 2008 11:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh calm down, anonymous. Jean and I are good friends. N'est-ce pas, Jean?

27 March, 2008 23:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course Manila.Your French is perfect and sorry for anonymous if my English is not top.

28 March, 2008 00:26  
Blogger The Irate Pirate said...

as a fellow music blogger i am glad to see it when artists appreciate the blog posts and understand the intention behind them. however, i also understand the artists who
are horrified to find their music given away for free. while it's a dream job to be able to play music for yourself and others' enjoyment, the business side of being a musician is filled with hardship, and many musicians work very hard for very little money. I happen to think that posting one or two albums can be a great thing for a "forgotten" artist, but I would never argue if they asked me to remove an album.

28 March, 2008 11:15  

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