Friday, March 28, 2008

by the band themself...

Orange Is In "Another Lame Semi-Tragedy" 2007

Orange is in was born out of the years of writing, recording and constant quoting of the movie Stripes by two talented veterans of the Houston music scene, George Kovacik and Jeff Balke.

In 2002, the two were joined by established veterans of the Houston music scene including Chris Rogers (late of Skillit) on guitar, Amy Price (late of Gordian Knot and the Buddhacrush) on violin and Leesa Harrington-Squyres (late of Carolyn Wonderland) on drums.

A blend of pop hooks, hard-driving rhythms and a rootsy edge, the band has already won fans in Houston and around the Texas music scene. Recording over the summer and fall of 2005, in January 2006, orange is in released its first full-length CD, Another Lame Semi-Tragedy.

Full of complex struggles of adult life, the tracks from Another Lame Semi-Tragedy are in stark contrast to the tongue-in-cheek title. Both dark and hopeful imagery are set against a backdrop of lush, organic instrumentation straddling the line between decidedly American rock and pop music.

Media Response

"[orange is in is] organic chill-out music...made for warm summer days -- even if you hear it played in a dark club at night." -- Bob Ruggiero, The Houston Press

"A couple of listens in, I can attest that [Another Lame] Semi-Tragedy is anything but -- it's a terrific slab of mature, modern power pop with violin accents." -- John Nova Lomax, The Houston Press

Sara Cress of the Houston Chronicle calls "Father's Day," a cut from Another Lame Semi-Tragedy, "[Father's Day is] a lush rock ballad that uses Price's folksy violin to expressive effect." -- Sara Cress, The Houston Chronicle

George Kovacik (of Orange Is In) said...
We are Orange Is In, an Americana rock band from Houston, TX USA.
Feel free to post our CD on your site if you want…thanks.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

good stuff!

29 March, 2008 09:57  

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