Tuesday, February 26, 2008


hermanthegerman said...
hi lizard,

the following seems really nice:

Vashti Bunyan "Summer Sundae Festival"
Leicester, UK [2006-08-12] BBC Broadcast

D.C. Share


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lizardson,
Haven't been here for a while.
(I am scared of the folkies)

Volunteers are a UK based band led by singer/lead guitarist Paul Bibby. Paul has been creating music for over 25 years.This album is a sample of songs from various recordings and features many different musicians. I play bass on two or three songs and wrote the words to one. Several of the tracks were recorded at my home studio. Paul has an original approach to music but, to give you an indication, he is very fond of Captain Beefheart & King Crimson.
So NOT for the faint hearted.
Artwork is included and it's all FREE!
Titus Luxor

27 February, 2008 05:18  

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