Monday, January 07, 2008

by gonzo #22

Alistair Anderson "Dookin' for Apples" 1979

Some more for those Alistair Anderson Squeezebox fans: "Dookin for Apples"
another restored Topic LP, sorry no back scan as yet, seems to have got lost in the archive.


Before you ask: Steel Skys is here but without the cover, so no track names AS YET, if anyone knows them?
would be helpful, the LP and sleeve are still in Tasmania currently.

Another great post!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Anderson! Here are the Steel Skies tracks (from I'm not sure how these will correspond to ripped tracks, since I remember that the record is basically one long continuous suite.

First Light / Rhymeside 1 / Mountain Stream / Rhymeside 3 / Road to the North / Clennel Street / Franklin River / Air of Maurice Ogg / Jumping Jack / Green Ginger / Ironbridge / Eynhallow / In Trim / Mount Hooley / Leamington Bank / Kestrel / High Force / Dog Leaps Stairs / Hot Rivets / Seven Gate Road / When the Frosts are Setting In / East Winds / Millstream / Centenary Pack / Rhymeside 2.

08 January, 2008 00:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To true, I was tempted to just rip it to two large MP3's and supply a list. I have a few responses for the listing, one from Henry with the timings too, with the list from mustrad, and an expensive phonecall to Australia, I think we are there.

09 January, 2008 08:04  

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