Tuesday, December 18, 2007

by gonzo #17

Roy Harris "By Sandbank Fields" 1977

gonzo said...
Here is the 4th Roy Harris album, this completes my collection, anymore would be welcome..

Side A
A01 - As I was Going to Banbury.
A02 - The Knight & the Shepherd's Daughter (Sweet William).
A03 - The Baker of Colebrook.
A04 - The 23rd of March.
A05 - Go From My Window.
A06 - Think on This (when you smoke tobacco).
A07 - The Dockyard Gate.

Side B
B01 - The Lady of Carlisle.
B02 - Robin Hood & Little John.
B03 - Sandbank Fields.
B04 - The Spithead Sailors.
B05 - The Unhappy Parting.

Roy Harris: Vocals
Roger Watson: English Concertina tracks 1/4, 1/7, 2/5
Roger Watson: Melodeon track 1/1
Helen Watson: Harmonium tracks 1/1, 2/5
John Adams: Trombone track 1/1
John Adams: Fiddle 1/4
Sue Adams: Triangle track 1/1
Neil Harris: Dulcimer track 2/2

DL (updated 2009.12.25)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I appreciate the Roy Harris!
Happy holidays to you!

18 December, 2007 23:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


22 December, 2007 06:40  
Anonymous Gonzo said...

I've refreshed the link for this album


25 December, 2009 20:33  
Blogger Kadek55 said...

Love it! Thanks a lot!!

27 December, 2009 20:21  

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