Tuesday, October 16, 2007

by bluenorther #11

Mick Hanly "All I Remember" 1989

1. Still Haven't Managed
2. Birthmark
3. Free to Run
4. Past the Point of Rescue
5. Fall Like a Stone
6. My Love is in America
7. All I Remember
8. Cold War
9. Landslide
10. Above Waterline

Produced by Donal Lunny. Engineered by Pearse Dunne.

Musicians: Mick Hanly: Vocals, Guitar. Donal Lunny: Keyboards, Bazouki. John Ryan: Keyboards. James Delaney: Keyboards. Garvan Gallagher: Bass. Paul Moran: Drums. Noel Bridgeman: Percussion. Tony Molloy: Bass. Keith Donald: Saxophone. Peter Condell: Electric Guitar. Des Moore: Guitar. Anto Drennan: Electric Guitar.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog's excellent!

Many thanks for making this album available. I'm really looking forward to hearing Mick's version of Past The Point of Rescue.


09 November, 2008 01:35  

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