Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Richard Dees's Bootlegs #16

Dick Gaughan "Old Brewery, Cromarty"
February 24, 2006

CD 1
1. What You Do With What You've Got
2. The Yew Tree
3. The Devil And Pastor Jack
4. Muir and the Master Builder
5. Waist Deep In The Big Muddy
6. Now Westlin Winds
7. What Ever Happened To?
8. Outlaws And Dreamers

CD 2
1. The Hunter Dunne
2. Song For Ireland
3. Shipwreck
4. Set Of Jigs
5. Lucky For Some
6. Both Sides The Tweed
7. Games People Play

CD 1
CD 2


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this. This is one musician who is much, much better live then on most of his LPs Now people can really see how great he is without all that overproduction that usually get's in the way on the albums.

25 September, 2007 02:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, but this is wonderful. Gaughan's great whatever he does, but as Streaker says above, live he is truly one of the greats of contemporary folk music.

John_R in Western Australia

25 September, 2007 21:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've only listened to Part 1 so far but it is truly magic. Many thanks.

Richard in Ontario Canada

26 September, 2007 05:28  
Blogger Vanzetti said...

absolutely brilliant. So many thanks. I really want to catch Dick playing live sometime soon - we are neighbors i believe - we both live within spitting distance of the Queen's Scottish city palace!

I first heard a Dick Gaughan record in the mid nineties when the one and only Eliott Smith (i'm from Portland originally) lent me a tape of Handful of Earth saying it was the best album by his hero Gaughan.

28 October, 2007 02:11  

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