Sunday, July 15, 2007


Dick Gaughan - Kist O' Gold: grown so ugly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea this album even existed! Thanks so much for finding it. Haven't downloaded it yet, but anything by Dick Gaughan has to be great. (Pity about the cover, though. I thought the pic was a joke at first. He looks like Michael Palin playing a shipwreck victim in a Monty Python sketch.)

15 July, 2007 20:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Dick Gaughan live in NYC around 1999. Man, the dude was rocking. He blew me away! Too intense!

Then I picked up many of his CDs but I got more and more disappointed. So many of them are overproduced and some of his own compositions exhibited some false sentiment in my opinion.

I had heard that this was only traditional tunes and had a more stripped down production but it was simply not available. So I made a google alert about four years ago but got nothing other then someone mentioning it on a list sometimes.

Then when I had the luck to find out about TIme Has Told Me I asked Lizardson if he had this and - Presto! Here it is!!!!!! And it is GREAT! The best album Dick Gaughan has done. Not that he has gotten less talented - he is great live!

So Thanks again Lizardson for making my wish come true.

P.S. I love the cover - he looks cool

16 July, 2007 02:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. Sorry streaker, it was just my opinion. But I'd like a vote on whether he looks 'cool', except maybe to a Scottish Terrier. ;-)

I agree with you on the material, though. I much prefer the early albums, particularly 'No More Forever.' A guitar, Dick's voice, and maybe the brilliant Aly Bain to add a touch of colour - perfect!

16 July, 2007 15:55  
Blogger Neilson said...

You should check out "A Handful of Earth" if you haven't already. That's a really great record that's very spare and folky.

17 July, 2007 07:32  

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