Friday, June 23, 2006

Dr. Z

Three Parts to My Soul (1971)

Dr. Z's first and only album is the most rare record released on the Vertigo-swirl label. It sold only about 70 copies (!!) when it was released, and the rest of the pressings were trashed. It's actually not so hard to understand, as the music on the album often was extremely clumsy and awkward. The band had three members who played harpsichord, bass and drums. The fact that harpsichord was the only keyboard used gave them at least a somewhat unique sound. The lyrics dealt with occultism and the evil of man, and were far better written than the music. And just like Black Widow's "Sacrifice" this gave the album a slight amusement-value to it. The opening track "Evil Woman's Manly Child" included the following cute lines: "Covet every man his wife/Cut love up with a knife/Salt the wound that's sore/Rub it where it cuts your mind in half/Set your fellow man against his friend/Torment him to the end". The mellow "In a Token of Despair" was easily the best track on the whole album, and told about the part of the soul that remains on the earth to haunt it forever. This is still an album for serious collectors only, not just because of the not so very good music, but you'll also have to pay a fortune if you ever find one of the 70 remaining copies of it. And that's not very likely at all.

1. Evil Woman's Manly Child
2. Spiritus, Manes et Umbra
3. Summer for the Rose
4. Burn in Anger
5. Too Well Satisfied
6. In a Token of Despair
7. Lady Ladybird
8. People in the Street


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awsome im am a music collector with a vast library and old forgoten relics like these are simply amazing thanks to you forgoten but not lost

28 June, 2006 16:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, this one is expired, why?
areyou gonna put it again?
thanks, you do a great job here!

30 June, 2006 01:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thx for te cover, great record by the way.
i hope i'll find a copy one of these days.

12 July, 2006 05:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey u can now buy reissue vynil around 20€ so pay attention i'm sure a lot of copy will flow on ebay :/

23 July, 2006 19:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure about DR.Z but I'm glad I downloaded it! It's quickly becoming a favorite of mine. You have a great blog. I check every day. Thank you!

25 July, 2006 13:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Folk Well Believe it or Not I Own A Copy of Dr Z yup I`m One of The Seventy or is it Seventy Two I can never quite Remember anyway it`s a Fascinating I bought This Album in A Glasgow Record Shop Almost The First Day of ReleaseI was A Big Hawkwind Fan and it Looked Similar to Hawkwind`s In Search of Space but is Closer Musically to Graham Bond
I agree with The Other Owner it`s A Weird Album Lines just pop into you mind constantly favourite Track is The Title which is actually Three Track Spiritus Manes Umbra
Anyway Anyone Who Downloads it
This Is Not Your Average Album but
it Grows on You
It`s The Sort of Album if Howie(as in
Howard Phillip Lovecraft The Author)
Would Have made if he had been around at the Time Enjoy if you can

03 October, 2006 04:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can somebody reaactivate this link ? Thank so much in advance. Great blog.

13 December, 2006 02:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

could please repair the link or re-upload it?

both other blog-links are dead..:((

04 June, 2008 17:45  

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