Monday, September 15, 2008

by Ailis

The McCalmans - Smuggler (1975)

Ian McCalman, Hamish Bayne and Derek Moffat first met during registration for entry into Edinburgh College of Art on 6th October, 1964, and in a mutual interest in folk music, formed, not only a much loved, and I think consistently the best folk group, but also a friendship which has endured for all these years. There has only been one change in the original line up when, in 1982, Hamish retired to the quieter life, with new boy Nick Keir joining the group.

01 - Smuggler
02 - If Mother Should Die
03 - Gardens
04 - Hornpipes-Reels
05 - Mount And Go
06 - The Boatie Rows-The Carls O' Dysart
07 - The Flowers O' The Forest
08 - The Barnyards O' Delgaty
09 - Bar-Room
10 - No Churchman Am I
11 - The Silkie of Sule Skerry
12 - A Man's A Man For A' That
13 - Nagasaki
14 - Johnnie Cope
15 - Skye Boat Song
16 - Tammy Traddlefeet-The Rising

The McCalmans - Side By Side By Side (1977)

01 - Side By Side By Side
02 - Romeo and Juliet
03 - Dancing Days
04 - Bellman's Song
05 - The Chair at the Table
06 - Hornpipe
07 - Farewell to Sicily
08 - Sheriff Muir
09 - Loving Hanne
10 - German Lairdie
11 - Standing In the Rain
12 - Broadside Man
13 - Bound to Go
14 - Side By Side

The McCalmans - Burn The Witch (1978)

01 - Fare Ye Well Ye Mormond Braes
02 - The Lion (Edinburgh Castle)
03 - Jenny Lasswade
04 - Farewell to Nova Scotia
05 - She Had To Go and Lose It At The Astor
06 - Aye Waukin O
07 - Gin I Were Where The Gaudie Rins
08 - Veronica
09 - Burn The Witch
10 - Bonnie Lass O' Gala Water
11 - Jock Stewart
12 - The March Of The Cameron Men
13 - The Phantom Whistler-Random Jig
14 - Doon In The Wee Room
15 - The Recruiting Service Drum-Sons Of Heroes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really great!! I've been waiting for this for years!! :-) Thanks a lot!!

16 September, 2008 05:40  
Blogger Gunslinger said...

WONDERFUL. I met these guys at my folk club in Oxford years ago. Had good times with them and then we lost touch.
Thank you for these really grand recordings.

16 September, 2008 11:10  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HONESTLY: thanks A LOT for all these nice albums, but do you really consider 128kbps as being high quality mp3's?

17 September, 2008 01:36  

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