Friday, June 13, 2008

by Fran Solo

Planxty "Live 2004"

Hi Lizardson, your blog is the most complete in the net and the music posted is very good (folk-rock, celtic, irish, etc.) One of the best groups posted are Planxty (for me, the best in Ireland, all times).
This next link it's for the same group, it's a concert in the year 2004,
it's a really gem.

Fran Solo, from Chile.
Mirror of Lost in Tyme

Love, Lost in Tyme
Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this, I have been looking for this for a long time!

13 June, 2008 20:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to be a problem with track 15, it does not convert properly. Great otherwise, thanks!

14 June, 2008 00:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fran Solo, please don't use (:) in file name!!! File 15 is OK, but rename it before unzip, in file name contains (:) and make big problem after unzipping, this file (volue=0) you received: Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk...

14 June, 2008 20:09  
Blogger Fran Solo said...

Hmmmm, I´ve review this archive and worked good. Anyway, I´ve post this track in the next link:

Good luck.

15 June, 2008 03:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention! Attention!
AFTER downloading and BEFORE unzipping the archive, REMOVE the full colon (:) from the filename of Track 15 - Raggle Taggle Gypsy.
The full colon is not recognised by the unzippping software.

20 June, 2008 03:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay...I didn't read these instructions before the download. So now I am stuck with a dummy file that cannot be moved or deleted...can anyone advise as to how to get rid of it?

22 June, 2008 12:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fran solo,
Maybe you are the uploader of Música Ibérica I/ Hasta el siglo XV by the Studio der Fruhen Musik in awaxhome (FLAC).
If it is, I´d like to get this wonderful recording. Can you send me a link? (former ones aren´t actives).
Thank you!!


09 November, 2013 23:24  

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